Convert EMU of charge to Elementary Charge

Learn how to convert 1 EMU of charge to Elementary Charge step by step.

Calculation Breakdown

Set up the equation
\(1.0\left(EMU \text{ } of \text{ } charge\right)={\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x}\left(Elementary \text{ } Charge\right)\)
Define the base values of the selected units in relation to the SI unit \(\left(coulomb\right)\)
\(\text{Left side: 1.0 } \left(EMU \text{ } of \text{ } charge\right) = {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} 10.0\left(coulomb\right)} = {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} 10.0\left(C\right)}\)
\(\text{Right side: 1.0 } \left(Elementary \text{ } Charge\right) = {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}\left(coulomb\right)} = {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}\left(C\right)}\)
Insert known values into the conversion equation to determine \({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x}\)
\(1.0\left(EMU \text{ } of \text{ } charge\right)={\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x}\left(Elementary \text{ } Charge\right)\)
\(\text{Insert known values } =>\)
\(1.0 \times {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} 10.0} \times {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} \left(coulomb\right)} = {\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}}} \times {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} \left(coulomb\right)}\)
\(1.0 \cdot {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} 10.0} \cdot {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} \left(C\right)} = {\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \cdot {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}} \cdot {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} \left(C\right)}\)
\(\text{Cancel SI units}\)
\(1.0 \times {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} 10.0} \cdot {\color{rgb(89,182,91)} \cancel{\left(C\right)}} = {\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}} \times {\color{rgb(125,164,120)} \cancel{\left(C\right)}}\)
\(\text{Conversion Equation}\)
\(10.0 = {\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}\)
Switch sides
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19} = 10.0\)
Isolate \({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x}\)
Multiply both sides by \(\left(\dfrac{1.0}{1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}}\right)\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times 1.602176487 \times 10^{-19} \times \dfrac{1.0}{1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}} = 10.0 \times \dfrac{1.0}{1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}}\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} \times {\color{rgb(255,204,153)} \cancel{1.602176487}} \times {\color{rgb(99,194,222)} \cancel{10^{-19}}} \times \dfrac{1.0}{{\color{rgb(255,204,153)} \cancel{1.602176487}} \times {\color{rgb(99,194,222)} \cancel{10^{-19}}}} = 10.0 \times \dfrac{1.0}{1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}}\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} = \dfrac{10.0}{1.602176487 \times 10^{-19}}\)
Rewrite equation
\(\dfrac{1.0}{10^{-19}}\text{ can be rewritten to }10^{19}\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} = \dfrac{10^{19} \times 10.0}{1.602176487}\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} = \dfrac{10.0^{20}}{1.602176487}\)
Solve \({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x}\)
\({\color{rgb(20,165,174)} x} = 6.2415096471 \times 10^{19}\approx6.2415 \times 10^{19}\)
\(\text{Conversion Equation}\)
\(1.0\left(EMU \text{ } of \text{ } charge\right)\approx{\color{rgb(20,165,174)} 6.2415 \times 10^{19}}\left(Elementary \text{ } Charge\right)\)

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