Hex Number Converter
Hexadecimal to decimal, binary and octal conversion is a common need for programmers and anyone working with digital systems. The hexadecimal number system is widely used for representing values in computers, but it is often more convenient to work with decimal, binary or octal numbers in certain situations. Our online converter makes it easy to convert any hexadecimal number to its decimal, binary and octal equivalents.
Decimal numbers are based on the base-10 number system, while binary numbers are based on the base-2 number system and octal numbers are based on the base-8 number system. Hexadecimal numbers are based on the base-16 number system, which means they use 16 digits (0-9 and A-F) to represent values. This can make them more compact and easier to work with than binary numbers, which use only 0 and 1.
Using our converter, you can quickly and accurately convert any hexadecimal number to its decimal, binary and octal equivalents. Simply enter the hexadecimal number and the conversion will be done automatically.