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The Volume Of Planets In Our Solar System

Last updated: Thursday, June 08, 2023
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Volume, in the context of planets, refers to the measure of the amount of space occupied by a planet. It represents the total three-dimensional extent or capacity of the planet, encompassing its entire interior, including the core, mantle, and any surrounding layers or atmospheres.

The volume of a planet is typically expressed in units such as cubic kilometers (km³) or cubic miles (mi³). It quantifies the overall size and spatial extent of the planet's internal structure. By calculating the volume, scientists can determine the planet's mass, density, and other important physical properties.

The volume of a planet is influenced by its size, shape, and composition. Larger planets tend to have larger volumes compared to smaller ones. For instance, Earth has a volume of approximately 1.08 trillion cubic kilometers (259 billion cubic miles), while Mars has a volume of about 163.2 billion cubic kilometers (39.2 billion cubic miles).

The calculation of volume takes into account the planet's shape, which is often approximated as a sphere or an ellipsoid. However, planets can have irregular shapes due to variations in their rotation, gravitational interactions with other bodies, or the presence of geological features such as mountains or valleys. In such cases, more complex mathematical models are used to estimate the volume.

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Click On The Pictures To See The 3D Models From NASA
Name \(10^{10} km^3\) Ratio To Earth Value
Pluto 0.702 0.0065
Moon 2.1968 0.0203
Mercury 6.083 0.05616
Mars 16.312 0.15059
Venus 92.843 0.85711
Earth 108.321 1
Neptune 6254 57.7358
Uranus 6833 63.08103
Saturn 82713 763.59155
Jupiter 143128 1321.33197
Sun 141200000 1303533.01761
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Source: NASA

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