EPS or Earnings Per Share is a number derived from the income statement, which indicates how profitable a company is on a per share basis.
* A company's net income is also called net earnings.
* Companies that are not profitable yet have a negative EPS
The formula for determining earnings per share is defined as:
\(EPS\): Earnings per share
\(Net\text{ }Income\): How much money company is making after all expenses have been paid including taxes.
\(Shares\text{ }Outstanding\): How many shares have been issued by the companies.
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Find EPS
Use this calculator to find the Earnings Per Share (EPS) of a company
How much money company is making after all expenses have been paid including taxes.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
How many shares have been issued by the companies.
enter a number in millions
Please note, that all calculators provided are for informational and educational purposes ONLY, and should NOT be taken as professional financial advice.