Book value is the net value of a company if it were to sell all its assets stated on its balance sheet and have all its debts and obligations covered. Generally speak, the book value of a company is less than its market value, since the market price is based on the company's future growth potential, intellectual property and other intangible assets. Book value is basically what the company would be worth if it were to be dissolved right now, and book value per share is how much each share would be worth.
The formula for determining the book value per share is defined as:
\(BVPS\): Book value per share
\(Total\text{ }Assets\): The total tangible assets stated on the company's balance sheet.
\(Total\text{ }Liabilities\): The total amount of debt, goods or services the company owes.
\(Total\text{ }Intangible\text{ }Assets\): The total amount of intangible assets such as goodwill, patent, copyright and so on.
\(Preferred\text{ }Stocks\): The total value of preferred stocks the company has issued.
\(Shares\text{ }Outstanding\): How many common shares have been issued by the companies.
Find Book Value Per Share
Use this calculator to determine the book value per share if the company were to dissolve today.
The total tangible assets stated on the company's balance sheet.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The total amount of debt, goods or services the company owes.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The total amount of intangible assets such as goodwill, patent, copyright and so on.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The total value of preferred stocks the company has issued.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
How many common shares have been issued by the companies.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
Please note, that all calculators provided are for informational and educational purposes ONLY, and should NOT be taken as professional financial advice.