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Return On Investment Calculator (ROI)

Last updated: Monday, May 01, 2023
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Return on investment or ROI is a key number used to determine the profitability of an investment. The ROI can be either positive, zero or negative. There are many ways to calculate your ROI, and the formulas varies depend on your situation. However, the concept behind them is the same.

This formula is a simplified version to help you estimate your ROI. For the sake of simplicity, data such as inflation, currency fluctuations and taxes are ignored.

The formula for determining the return on investment is defined as:
\(ROI\) \(=\) \(\dfrac{Value_{current} - Value_{initial} - Cost_{Sale}}{Cost_{Investment}}\) \(\times\) \(100\)
\(ROI\): Return on investment
\(Cost_{Investment}\): The total cost of the investment including all fees, commissions and other costs associated with the investment.
\(Value_{initial}\): The initial net value of the investment.
\(Value_{current}\): The current net value of the investment.
\(Cost_{Sale}\): The total cost of selling the investment, including fees, commissions etc.
The ROI is measured in \(\%\)

Find ROI

Use this calculator to find the Return On Investment (ROI) of an investment.
The total cost of the investment including all fees, commissions and other costs associated with the investment.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The initial net value of the investment.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The current net value of the investment.
enter a number in thousands, enter 5 for 5,000 or 50 for 50,000
The total cost of selling the investment, including fees, commissions etc.
Please note, that all calculators provided are for informational and educational purposes ONLY, and should NOT be taken as professional financial advice.
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